New Hampshire goes "Over the Edge" for Mental Health Awareness

As many of you know, the month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. The mental health community works hard at shedding light on mental health needs, providing services and taking the stigma out of mental health. EMS and first responders are all too often looked over when it comes to the need of mental health assistance. EMS workers have higher incidents of depression, anxiety, stress and more than to most other professions. The stigma around asking for help is still prevalent, so many won't seek help when they need it the most, or before it's too late. Unfortunately many EMS workers know all too well the pain of having a mental health need or someone who has suffered alone. Many feel isolated or ashamed, and don't know where to go.
Well, the folks in New Hampshire have decided to take a step in the right direction to bring awareness to this important issue. Actually, the have decided to take a step "Over the Edge!" Members of UEMSW Local 4911 New Hampshire have come together to raise money for the New England First Responder Coalition by repelling off of the tallest building in New Hampshire! The New England First Responder Coalition is a non-profit 503(c)3 volunteer organization located in Nashua, NH. NEFRC was founded to educate and assist First Responders due to the tragedy and loss of fellow colleagues and friends. They took that grief and pain and turned it into resilience and resources for all.
If you would like to know more about the organization and donate to the "Over the Edge" fundraiser, please click the link below. It's a great way to support our fellow brothers and sisters in EMS and this amazing organization!